'use strict'
import {RoutePlotter} from './routing/route-plotter.mjs'
* Object representing a section of the pathObject.
* @typedef {Object} section
* @property {number} row
* @property {number} column
* @property {Boolean} [horizontal]
* @property {number} len - length of section in pixels (coordinates/points).
* @property {number} x - x coordinate on page.
* @property {number} y - y coordinate on page.
* @property {Array} points - Array of x, y coordinates.
* @typedef {Object} intersection
* @property {collisionBox} area
* @property {string} name
* @property {Boolean} occupied
/** Object containing all sections of the path (road) which can be traversed.
* @typedef {Object} pathObject
* @property {Object} pathCoords - Measurements for section initialization.
* @property {Object} sections - Path sections divided by orientation.
* @property {Object} sections.horizontal
* @property {section} sections.horizontal.rowxcoly
* @property {Object} sections.vertical
* @property {section} sections.vertical.rowxcoly
* @property {section} entrance - Ref to section which is an entrance.
* @property {section} exit - Ref to section which is an exit.
/** Recursively determines possible routes through parking lot pathObject.
* @typedef {Object} RoutePlotter
* @property {pathObject} pathObject
/** Used by RoutePlotter to find branching paths from one section towards another.
* @typedef {Object} BranchHandler
* @property {pathObject} pathObject
* @property {number} rowDiff
* @property {number} colDiff
/** Object representing one of the opposite ends of a route.
* @typedef {Object} routeEnd
* @property {section} section
* @property {number} coord - Exact start or destination point along section.
* @property {string} [direction] - Cardinal direction.
/** Part of a full route through the lot with navigational metadata.
* @typedef {Object} routeSection
* @property {section} section
* @property {number} coord - Endpoint for that routeSection
* @property {string} direction - Cardinal direction.
* @property {(string|Boolean)} turn - String for turn car will make to get onto this routeSection or false if no turn.
* @typedef {Object} collisionbox
* @property {Number} x
* @property {Number} y
* @property {Number} w
* @property {Number} h
* @typedef {Object} CollisionBoxHandler
* @property {ParkingLot} parkingLot
* @property {collisionbox} entranceArea
* @property {number} LOOP_SPEED
* @typedef {Object} ParkingLot
* @property {Object} config
* @property {Object} loop
* @property {pathObject} pathObject
* @property {RoutePlotter} routePlotter
* @property {Overlay} overlay
* @property {Array} spaces - Array of all active space objects.
* @property {AnimationHandler} animationHandler
* @property {CollisionBoxHandler} collisionBoxHandler
* @property {Number} carCount - Number of cars so far. Used for car IDs.
* @property {Object} cars
* @property {Object} cars.entering - Cars which haven't parked yet.
* @property {Object} cars.parked - Cars which are currently parked.
* @property {Object} cars.leaving - Cars which are leaving the lot.
* @property {Object} cars.left - Cars which have left the lot and scene.
* @property {Object} intersections
* @property {Object} stats - Contains all HTML elements for stats
* @property {HTMLElement} stats.wrapper
* @property {HTMLElement} stats.carCountEl - Number of cars which have entered the lot.
* @property {HTMLElement} stats.parkedCountEl - Number of cars currently parked.
* @property {HTMLElement} stats.leftCountEl - Number of cars which have left the lot.
* @typedef {Object} space
* @property {string} facing - Cardinal direction cars parked in the space will face (reversing into space not supported.)
* @property {Number} height
* @property {Number} width
* @property {Number} x
* @property {Number} y
* @property {Number} rank
* @property {Number} score
* @property {Boolean} reserved
* @property {section} section
* @property {HTMLElement} pageEl
* @typedef {Object} AnimationHandler
* @property {CSSStyleSheet} stylesheet
* @property {Object} animationTypes
* @property {Object} animations
* @property {animation} animations.name
* @typedef {Object} animation
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} type
* @property {Array} [maneuverArea] - collisionBoxes which need to be clear for animation.
* @property {Object} endVals
* @property {number} endVals.orientation
* @property {number} endVals.orientationMod
* @property {number} endVals.direction
* @property {number} endVals.x
* @property {number} endVals.y
* @property {string} [endVals.turnDirection]
* @property {number} [endVals.crossNegation]
* @property {number} [endVals.crossDistance]
* @property {number} [endVals.forwardDistance]
* @property {number} [endVals.backwardDistance]
* @property {number} [endVals.spaceEntrance]
* @typedef {Object} Car
* @property {ParkingLot} parkingLot
* @property {CollisionBoxHandler} collisionBoxHandler
* @property {number} id
* @property {Boolean} handicap
* @property {animation} [animation]
* @property {number} orientation - Angle of page element's rotation.
* @property {Object} coords
* @property {number} coords.x
* @property {number} coords.y
* @property {string} direction - Cardinal direction
* @property {number} leadingEdge - Coordinate of front of car based on direction heading.
* @property {string} symbol - x or y depending on which direction car is heading.
* @property {string} oppSymbol - x or y depending on which direction car is NOT heading
* @property {string} axis - left or top depending on which direction car is heading. Used to increment element position when moving forward.
* @property {string} negation - 1 or (-1) to increment car across page correctly using left/top.
* @property {number} baseWidth - Width of car image
* @property {number} baseLength - Length of car image
* @property {Object} collisionBoxes
* @property {collisionbox} collisionBoxes.car - Collision box for car image
* @property {Array} [collisionBoxes.maneuver] - Array of collisionBox objects for maneuver.
* @property {string} img - Path to car image in files.
* @property {HTMLElement} pageWrapper - Square wrapper for car img.
* @property {HTMLElement} pageEl - Rectangular car img.
* @property {Boolean} userFocus - Determines whether overlay els are shown.
* @property {Object} overlay - Object containing overlay HTML elements.
* @property {HTMLElement} overlayWrapper - Wrapper div for overlay HTML elements.
* @property {HTMLElement} overlay.stoppingDistance
* @property {HTMLElement} overlay.betweenDestination
* @property {HTMLElement} overlay.road
* @property {string} status
* @property {Boolean} finishedParking
* @property {number} parkingDuration - Time car will park for in ms.
* @property {space} assignedSpace
* @property {Object} route
* @property {routeSection} currentSection
* @property {intersection} [nextIntersection]
* @property {number} [nextSectionDestination] - Coordinate car wants to reach on current routeSection.
* @property {Object} blockingIntersections
* @property {intersection} [blockingIntersections.intersection]
* @property {number} speed - Speed the car is currently moving in by pixels
* @property {number} minStoppingDistance - Minimum space car wants between itself and collision boxes.
* @property {number} turningRunup - Space car wants from destination to make a turn.
/** Creates and manages page elements for visual monitoring of
* parking lot and cars.
* @typedef {Object} Overlay
* @property {HTMLElement} wrapper
* @property {Object} timers - Object to store persistent timers which need checking/refreshing.
export * from './type-defs.mjs'